5 Techniques to Help You Fall Asleep Quickly

Alia Mukhtar
3 min readMay 6, 2023


Are you fed up with sleepless nights? Do you find difficulty in falling asleep? Or are you sleep-deprived due to stress, anxiety, or depression? Here, in this blog post, I am going to introduce some tips that will help you fall asleep easily.

Around the world, about 62% of adults reported in a study, conducted in 12 countries, that they get insufficient sleep. It has become prevalent worldwide that almost every 1 in 4 people suffers from sleep deprivation.

Moreover, one can not deny that good sleep is crucial for our brains to function efficiently. In contrast, poor sleep has negative impacts on our brains, body and health.

Here are 5 techniques to make you fall asleep quickly.

1. Get on the Schedule

The most important factor that affects our sleep is our daily routine. Setting up a sleep schedule helps you fall asleep easily.

Going to bed and waking up timely will help your internal clock, circadian rhythm, set accordingly. After adjusting to this schedule, you will fall asleep naturally.

Furthermore, it is crucial to sleep 7–9 hours daily. Otherwise, chronic health conditions can occur to an individual if sleep deprivation is continued for a long time.

2. Exercise Daily

The benefits of exercising are not negligible. Doing exercise on a daily basis will help your body maintain the hormones, serotonin and cortisol. These hormones are essential for our happy mood and relaxed mind.

Moreover, serotonin helps in diminishing anxiety, experiencing happiness, healing wounds, and stimulating nausea. And cortisol, a stress hormone, aids your body in overcoming stressful conditions.

3. Read Something

Reading is considered one of the techniques to tranquilize our mind, and professionals highly recommend reading before bed. But you should prefer reading from a traditional book than reading from an e-book.

Moreover, It is found that gadgets (smartphones, tablets, televisions) release blue light which decreases melatonin levels. Melatonin is a hormone that induces sleep in an individual. consequently, with a low level of melatonin, you will take more time to fall asleep.

4. Look After Your Diet

It is believed that our diet may affect our sleep. Either one feels sleepy or sleepless, nutrition plays a vital role. There are certain foods that should be avoided, including caffeine and alcohol. Foods rich in dietary fibers, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and low-fat proteins, benefit our health more.

In addition, Melatonin is regulated by the vitamin B complex found in our diets. Foods that are rich in vitamin B are fish, legumes, meat, eggs, and dairy products. Thus, there is a connection between nutrition, health, and sleep.

5. Practice Meditation and Yoga

A study conducted on chronic insomnia found that meditation improves the quality of sleep. Another study proved that meditation reduces stress and improves sleep health. Furthermore, it calms your mind and helps you quit the negative thoughts, which can ruin your health. This helps you to not stress, avoid anxiety and calm down.


Inadequate sleep not only ruins your health, mind, and well-being, but also makes you irritable, annoyed, and frustrated. So you should follow the above-mentioned suggestions to build a routine and lifestyle that would aid you and your health.

